Loading your Pouch Pal is easy as 1, 2, 3. The most important step is bending the bottom of your food pouch into a RAINBOW. The RAINBOW is part of the magic that makes Pouch Pal work. Check out the picture or watch the quick video below to see how it's done.
This is also illustrated in video above. Once your food pouch is loaded, firmly grip the Pouch Pal and twist the cap to remove it. If you choose to keep the cap, and we recommend you do, simply open the Pouch Pal, place the cap inside the cap-saver space and close the Pouch Pal again. We know it’s not ideal to have to reopen the Pouch Pal, but it beats wasting the food if you lose the cap. And remember, you might need the cap later for the Beginner’s Reload (see below).
I discovered this hack myself and I love it! While the Pouch Pal has child-resistant latches, if dropped at the right angle or tossed by your little one, your Pouch Pal could pop open. Here’s my fix: Wrap a hairband around the waist of the Pouch Pal. This will prevent the problem and, hey, you’ll always have an extra hairband when you need one!
Until kids get used to feeding from a Pouch Pal, they might need your help getting all the food out of the food pouch. Drinking the food at the bottom of the pouch requires some sucking power. This can be tricky for younger babies, as well as kids who are used to squeezing the pouch to get the food out. Don’t fret; this is common and only takes a few uses to iron out.
Download and print these hacks here.